in balance for well-being

Everything is made up of energy: What we are but also what we think and feel. When the natural flow of energy in the body becomes imbalanced, e.g. due to trapped emotions, our immune system weakens and we become more susceptible to pain, dysfunction or disease.

Our body is a wonder and has the innate ability to rebalance itself and thereby heal. Energy work through Emotion Code & Body Code supports and promotes this nature by identifying imbalances and energy blockages through a simple kinesiological muscle test. Here a video showing the muscle test.

This muscle test leads us, via our subconscious, to important information about the connections that can lead to complaints. Our subconscious makes up more than 90% of our entire consciousness.

Through a magnet application over a main meridian we intent to release the blocked energies to enhance the energy flow in the body.

Trailer «What is Energy Healing»